The Dead Sea Scrolls and the study of scripture (Riska Magnus)



The discovery of the texts at Qumran is sometimes described as the most important textual discovery of the last century. Forty percent of the biblical texts found in Qumran are closely aligned with the Masoretic Text we use today. This indicates that the biblical texts were copied with the utmost care over the centuries.

The discovery of non-biblical texts was also very important. This greatly increased our knowledge of Jewish movements during the Second Temple period. We now know that Judaism was not limited to one “mainstream” but included various and varied religious expressions.

The Qumran texts provide rich background material for today´s Bible student. They shed light on the New Testament and are helpful to all serious students of the Bible for deepening their understandin of the Scriptures. Magnus Riska

Pehmeäkantinen, sivuja 172

ISBN 9789659199242

Caspari Center